Diversity and equality in the classroom and the home are very imperative in regards to the person being taught. I have two children and I have compared them against each other. One child needs constant step-by-step assists and is easily distracted. And the other child does not have these challenges. I have realized what worked for one child does not work for the other. And this is the case in many classrooms also. I have to be very innovative in helping my one child in learning the basics. He is a visual learner and I have to relate everyting to Star Wars to make a connection. I was wondering, if, he has some mild learing disability, a visual problem, or he is simply overwhelmed. I know that I am overwhelmed at times. Here are the steps that I am taking to help in guiding his learning process:
1. Do not bit off more than we both can handle
2. Gear learning to his needs and interest- build from there
3.Seek help on the areas of concern just to make sure that he does not have those challenges
It is not easy excepting somethings about your students but it is more taxing when it is in regards to your children. But in the end you are helpping them out in the long run. And we should never compare anyone against another person because we are all wonderful and beautiful INDIVIDUALS. We are learn differently and need certain things in order for us to move forward.

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